Friday, June 22, 2012


For mom and dad that is! First time really away from the girls for more 2 nights since Raegan was born. It appears as though Rae doesn't really know the difference, but Addie is a different story. Lately she has been going through this "I miss mom bad dad all the time" phase. Dropping her off for work, she cries, every night before bed, she cries that she never sees us, which is completely ridiculous...but try and tell a 5 year old that. One day she actually told me that she didn't see us enough because she was too busy playing with her friends. I told her that she would cry if I didn't let her play with her friends, so what am I supposed to do? She didn't have an answer. Shocking. I know she will get through this, but I had to give her a picture of us to keep with her for the weekend so that we would always be with her...she was crying while looking at it when we left, perhaps I should consider drama classes for her! I'm sure she will have lots of fun this weekend aaa she always seems to when we aren't around, at least I hope so!

Totally off subject, but in the last two weeks Raegan has become quite the talker! she repeats almost everything that Addie says, and is starting to put words together more all by herself. She also spent a couple nights in the lower bunk in Addie's room and she ventured out in the pool by herself a bit, always holding on to the ledge, but she finally left the stairs! Her personality is hilarious and I love watching her grow, but selfishly, I wish she would just stay little forever!

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